CRorganization Rbusiness    Gclients    Blinks capabilities– web development
web packages
Web packages include the listed elements. The basic package is for those individuals and smaller businesses that just want to have a web presence to give information to others, sell products like crafts, or a combination of these functions. The advanced package is for those individuals or businesses that have more to say, have more products, and need more of a web presence. The flash site is for those who want the interaction of animation. Photography, illustration, and animation can be added to any package for additional costs. CRorganization can also host your site*.
basic advanced animation site
logo or identity logo or identity logo or identity
banner banner banner
up to 5 pages with links more than 5 pages with links animation
email link multiple email links links including email
  photographs of products photographs of products
  basic illustration/graphic/tables basic illustration/graphic
*hosting can be added for an additional cost